Building Immunity online course

Heidi Merika and Cat Green pouring tea and talking how to study herbal remedies in Australia | Everyday Empowered

Our unique 4 week course on Building Immunity is here to help you care for what matters most – your health and immune system!

Supporting our immune system is a core job for any home herbalist. That might look like trying to keep yourself well throughout cold and flu season, caring for a sore throat or cough, or trying to get yourself out of a recurrent infection spiral.

This course has been designed with you in mind!

Busy, stressed, and wanting an easier, more natural way to build
immunity, vitality and well-being at home, and not breaking the bank to do so!


You’ll get a chance to learn:
🌿foundations of how the immune system works
🌿a deep familiarity with 6 all-star immune system herbs and how to use them
🌿hands-on practice making remedies yourself and feedback from trusted, and experienced mentors
🌿holistic lifestyle tools to build immunity that you can seamlessly integrate into everyday life


The Building Immunity Course is the companion course to our DIY Immunity Remedy Kit (click here). The 6 all-star herbs in this course are: Elderberry, Olive Leaf, Astragalus, Echinacea, Shiitake and Sage.

These herbs are a fabulous mix of proactively building the immune system, responding to acute infection and helping you to rebuild your strength fully after an illness.
Course dates + Format

Starting Tuesday, April 30 and running weekly on Tuesdays, with last session on May 21.

Live calls at 11am (QLD) and they’ll go for roughly 1.5 – 2hours.

This course is built around live sessions as we believe small group mentoring and face-to-face interaction is an important part of learning herbs confidently.  However, we also understand everyone’s got busy lives and conflicting schedules, so we fully expect that some/ many of your will use the replays – either keeping up with the live schedule, or in the weeks/ months afterwards.

We encourage you to choose the format that will best support your herbal learning journey.

Materials provided:
Each week you’ll get your course materials and a live tutorial-style session.

The course materials include:

🌿handouts – herbal monographs, immune system and herb chart, holistic immunity handouts and a resources guide and booklist.

🌿videos demonstrating how to make the remedies yourself at home

🌿weekly replay videos of the live sesssions

🌿we also regularly provide links to things discussed in the course

We’ll also make time for case studies – we find this a really invaluable process to help you work out when and how to actually use the remedies yourself at home!

RESIT the course for just $50

Heidi and I firmly believe the learning doesn’t stop once the course does, and that we can all benefit from revisiting topics and deepening our relationship.

Cause even as teachers we benefit — last year even Heidi said she was inspired and learn new things  listening to the parts of course I taught- on herbs she’s known for like 20 years (and I felt ditto).

By offering the opportunity to resit as cheaply as we do, we’re trying to make ongoing herbal education accessible and practical for you. We know it’ll take time to integrate what you’ve learnt in this course. We also know it’ll take time for you to make all the remedies in the DIY Immunity Remedy Kit, and this is our way of honouring that process – saying it’s normal and welcome. You’ll get so much value from re-sitting the course – having had more time to digest the content, you’ll be able to take in new bits of information a second (or fifth!) time round and you’ll have new questions for us!

This course is co-taught by Cat Green and Heidi Merika.

For all the course details, please head to the Immunity Course page (click here).
We’ve got a detailed FAQ there. As always however, if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, or you’re just not sure if this course is for you, please reach out. I’m here to help.


  • Date : April 30, 2024 - May 21, 2024
  • Time : 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (UTC+10)
  • Reg. Deadline : May 2, 2024 12:00 pm

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