Bitters & Digestion are like PB&J or ham and cheese or lentils and rice! They belong together. You can eat...
Herbal Immunity Broth recipe
I could honestly write an ode to this broth (although I won’t, cause it probably won’t be very good 😂). This...
Rose Medicine
Rose (rosa sp) medicine is support for the physical and emotional heart - specifically indicated for grief, loss,...
The Complete List of How to Use Herbs in Daily Life!
Us home herbalists are a lucky lot cause we’ve got SO many ways to work with herbs in daily life! I’ve never seen a...
How to make foraged wild weed pesto
Pesto and foraged wild medicinal plants really are a match made in heaven. Benefits of this foraged wild weed pesto...
7 tips for how to get kids to take herbs
You dream of using herbal medicine at home but then you actually get to wondering: how can I get my kids to take...
3 favourite cooling herbs for summer
3 cooling herbs for summer + recipesSummer – does any other word conjure up such light-hearted nostalgia as summer!?...
The Mythical 8 Hour Sleep…
Sleep, that beautiful thing that happens between each day. If you’re lucky! Personally (Heidi speaking here) sleep has...