Nonviolent Communication (NVC) Foundation Course

We all know relationships are the heartbeat of life and when it’s good, it can be very good! But relationships are between humans and the way we interact with each other can get very messy sometimes. We can find ourselves saying or doing things we don’t exactly mean to, or perhaps hearing things which are very hurtful to hear.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a process of communicating that brings us closer together and enhances understanding – even when there’s conflict. Especially when there’s conflict!
Nonviolent Communication is such a process.
NVC is a powerful framework to communicate based on respect, compassion and authenticity. It has the power to change your relationship with yourself, your beloveds and the wider world.
I’m really happy to collaborate with Internationally-certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer Kate Raffin to offer this NVC Foundation Training.
Kate is a skillful facilitator with a knack for creating safe and heartfelt spaces in which to explore this work. I have joined many of her trainings and am always deeply humbled and awed by the shifts and insights that NVC offers us. Insights that can help us communicate better with others, but also insights that help us know and understand ourselves more fully.
This is a very practical workshop and you’ll leave the Nonviolent Communication Foundation training understanding:
🦋 core NVC principles
🦋 the 4 elements of Nonviolent Communication to support more satisfying and powerful communication
🦋 hands-on practice in the different practical tools and exercise. There will be solo, partner and small group exercises.
You’ll have time throughout the weekend to practice and embody this way of communicating – which is really important. I find it’s like learning to speak a second language. It takes time and can feel clunky at first, but with more practice we can more easily adopt a way of speaking and relating to brings us closer together and allows us to speak and understand with authenticity, compassion and respect.
You’ll leave with worksheets to remind and guide you to keep experiementing and getting familiar with NVC in your own life.
Curious and want to know more, here’s a little bit more info about Nonviolent Communication (click here).
The course runs for a whole weekend, both Saturday and Sunday from 9am – 4pm.
We use a sliding scale to make this training accessible whilst honouring that this is our livelihood. Please contribute at the top of your capacity.
$180 – $300
Resit: If you’ve done a NVC course with Kate Raffin before, you can re-sit the course for just $140. It’s really valuable to re-sit as there’s much to learn and practice within this foundation training.
Payment Installments are available. At the checkout, under PayPal, you can choose “Pay in 4”. I don’t believe you need a PayPal account to do that, but if you run into any problems, just get in touch via contact page (click here)
To Bring
We’ll provide tea and morning/ afternoon tea snacks, but you’ll need to bring lunch both days.
We also encourage you to bring a journal and pen (or other writing tools) to do some of the activities.
If this sounds supportive, I really hope you’ll join Kate for a transformative weekend learning and practicing Nonviolent Communication (and just hanging with Kate, she’s an awesome human!)